Wednesday, June 27, 2012

the doers and reporters

After having worked in 3 organisations (not too many for a career of 19 years) and having seen many very closely, i have come up with a broad classification of people - the doers and the reporters. I was sharing this classification with a friend of mine, her view was, this is too broad a classification. Yeah, I agree that it borders on clans and not individuals, still, i think for the organisations to grow, they need to understand this classification and the people who fall in these. A reporter is typically a person who keeps his superior updated of every detail that is happening wrt his/her work. And its not about the direction and summarised version, its about each activity and they will need guidance from the superior to carry out these activities. Ideally, such subordinates are suited to a person who is regimental and does not give space to others, infact this behaviour can thrive with such bosses. As these people are more worried about reporting than outcomes, they will never push for the outcomes. Very tough in an environment where the processes are not set and pace is the need of the hour. Some of the large organisations may actually like such people. A doer is someone who believes in the outcomes and will be happy with the broad directions. They go about doing their task and have an inherent ability to hold the information and act on it. They are not worried about sharing all the time as they have confidence in the outcomes. A pairing of doers with reporters will be disastrous as the working styles of both the people are so different. I am not sure one type is superior to the other all the time but overall for the organisations to succeed, they will need to have more doers than reporters. Imagine a reporter at the helm of an organisation, he will have nowhere to go most of the times for guidance and can bring an organisation to a standstill. I have figured out atleast about a few people in our organisation which clan they fit in, the task now is to ensure we make it formal and allocate roles that fit them.