Friday, December 14, 2012

God of small things

"GOST", here goes the name.

Me and my friend, while discussing various earth shattering things ended up talking about an old colleague of us and concurred that there cant be any better title for him. Getting into details and staying there is what he is so good at, and most of the times these details invariably are about peripherals.

So, why are some people so obsessed with small things in life? my friends explanation always is about the childhood, he must have had a troubled childhood, nobody to teach what an expanded universe looks like, how constrained living can make you scrounge for details etc etc... i agreed yet did not believe that its the only reason. I think it comes largely from this urge of controlling others.

i have this theory that there are two types of managers, creators of insecurity to rule and creators of security to rule. I think this colleague of us falls in the former category. He strongly believes that people will deliver only if they are pushed to and are made to.And to keep doing that, one needs to continuously keep searching a pivot of detail to beat them with. and then use the oft quoted remark "god is in the detail". Does it sound too harsh, may be but that's what GOSTs can do to you if you are not from that herd.

For any one, to create security and manage, is a tough ask, it means giving space, deal with uncertainties of outcome, getting questioned on own assumptions and that's tough. I don't think one is necessarily better than the other at all times but if I were to work in an environment, I will prefer to work with a secure one. Such an environment breeds long term creativity and competency.

Are there "GOST"s around you, I can fully empathize.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Of arguments and agreements

Of arguments and agreements

"Just go there and keep you voice at the highest decibels", warned my room mate as i was preparing for the first group discussion of the placement season. "Most of the times, its who and how long can one talk, is the decider for moving candidates to the next round" continued my room mate. I was wondering if that should be the indicator of the ability to argue.

Its been years since i have been through high decibel GDs. Its often that some conversations in business parlance get to the decibel testing, still the discourse in many meeting rooms have evolved. I wonder what is the need for highly intelligent groups to get into an argumentative conversation. Many a times, some of participants are so eager or impatient to make a point that they forget to listen to others.

What makes one to not listen others and keep pushing one's point of view? My belief is its about the fear, fear of having to make changes to one's thinking, fear of losing the argument, fear of the unknown. Generally, as we have been told no of times, in any discussion, if it has to reach a conclusion, one to has to keep making the point in a very persuasive manner so that everyone agrees to your point of view. My feeling is, if that has to be the outcome, then its pointless to have a discussion. The whole idea of a discussion it to be open to other's ideas and and in the process to be open to change one's own ideas. I do not see that humility in most of the conversations.

Take the case of powerpoints, in a way, its a predecided way of articulation of one's own thoughts. A presentation does not leave a room for other's input, its supposed to lead to an output that's logical conclusion of your own arguments. If it has to be that way, its best that its just shared and not discussed unless there are enough areas which are open for change.

Even a normal conversation should be more about listening to others and evolving a group view than one's own view. In the process, agreements should drive the conversation than arguments.