Sunday, February 24, 2013

How we think

I met up with a school friend over lunch. We studied in a village school till 12th and moved on to pursue medicine and engineering. He is doing exceedingly well as a doctor and is empanelled on physicians association of India. He travels to give lectures in places like Boston and cardiff.

While discussing various things, we started talking about his dream of migrating to a developed country, US or UK to be specific. He shared with me that he is happy that he did not pursue that dream and stayed back in India, " the society there does not understand moral values and parenting, I saw pregnant teens staying up in the bars late night and were drunk so much that I am not sure they were aware of their surroundings", lamented my friend. " the economies of these countries are in serious trouble and will need a major overhaul, I like India a lot, I know there is a lot of corruption but thats good in a way, the work happens". I was patiently listening to him but lost him with the last comment, "So you think its good that we have corruption?" I asked him in total disbelief. " Yes, its a good system to reward efficiency", explained my friend.

I dropped him at his place and started for Pune but the question kept haunting me, such an educated guy with good upbringing can think that corruption is a good thing. For a moment I thought, he does not understand what he is saying but then the next thought told me something else, he is so much in sync with his thinking that he does not see anything wrong in paying for the extra service that demand extra effort - be it breaking the law or being at the mercy of a greedy babu. And then I realised, this thinking is a bigger problem we face than the people who take the bribes. Its the same with someone who is driving on the wrong side of the road, jumping a signal or carrying 3 people on a two wheeler.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Alarms and locations

I was travelling from Latur to Pune by a train that left Latur 2230 hrs to reach Pune 0430 hrs. Now, thats an awful hour to wake up and alight. I was very sure i was going to miss Pune and thats what happened.

Despite having a sleepless journey, I managed to sleep very well around 330 and was woken by an alarm at 0430 to realise I have crossed Pune and is 15 kms away. I switched 3G on and started searching where I was to find the arrow showing Dehu Road on my phone. Promptly, in five minutes, TC comes with a passenger who is slated to go to Mumbai to be seated where I slept. When I narrated my story, TC retorted, you should have told me at the time of boarding, I would have woken you up.

Actually, I was not hassled with this at all, the next station was Lonavala, I was thinking if I should get down there or travel to Kalyan to take a train back. The TC was not bothered that I was travelling without a ticket, must be the story effect.

I was thinking what is it that i could have done, I was told I will be in Pune at 430 and I had set the alarm accordingly, then It struck me, if someone can design an alarm linked to the location than just the time.

Imagine you setting alarms for
1. the place you met your first sweetheart first time
2.the nursing home you were born
3. the place where you had the first accident

etc... etc...