Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A brain transplant?

While sitting on an exercise bench and between the two modes, my mind started wondering, what sits in my brain is something that I have acquired over a period of time, hence my reactions to a situation and my way of thinking is an outcome of how this is wired in my brain. 

What will happen if we can transplant memory?

What this means is, as we age, we accumulate a lot of data in our brain and hence our ability to interpret the situations keeps getting better upto a certain age, if we can transplant such a mature brain in a young body and let it develop from there, will we get 120 years of data that can be interpreted in a much better way? Ofcourse there is an issue of ram, having the data is one thing and having an ability to interpret this data will be completely a different thing.

For the moment assume that we are able to transplant this brain to a better ram body, what can come our of it? I read in a magazine sometime back, our brain has the storage capacity of 250 million petabytes. I am not sure how much of this get filled over a period of time and ofcourse there is the issue of relevance of what gets filled over a period of time. So, 250 million petabytes and a very good ram, will it make a man a superman? 

There's a lot of experiments happening in the scientific world, i want this one to happen for sure.