Thursday, August 23, 2007


i was listening to the music all the way from the dusty fields to the airport lounges to the final tch down. "Mera kuchh saman tumhare pas pada hai" one of my most favourite poem turned into a song by none other than the genius of pancham da was playing on the ipod and i suddenly felt that why are some so gifted and some are not.

It has been a constant struggle in mind that, is being giften enough or it needs lot more than that to be successful... while moving in the fields and villages oflate, i am realising what all exists in terms of mind power in these villages and never sees the light of the day only due to the fact that there are no great opporunities for them to showcase what all they have. it is also a reality that they never get to hone the basic skill sets they have to take them to next level of converting the skills to better life styles.

at times i relate to the child hood we had... not much to talk about in terms of schooling, a basic school that had teachers and walls but not too much in terms of making the learning a great fun. The teachers were there, barring few, because they had nothing else much to do and had to make the two ends meet. in such a mind set, it was ofcourse very difficult for them take the teaching to higher level and make it a fun for the students. what this does to students is taking them away from the fun of learning. It becomes given for them that the school needs to be attended to because the parents will not let them to be at home. eventually it takes them to away from home but not into the places of learning.

more on this next time...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

some off days

While at office, you get hit with some off days and they are not easy. All of a sudden you start feeling that nothing is working and you need to reinvent yourself. I had one such day today. I was trying my best to concentrate and get over the work but the work never seemed to move and i as well never seemed to concentrate on what i was doing.

Oflate i am struck with entrepreneurial bug. i really feel that i can do it at the same time having been on the monthly salary packet does not help. some of the expenses are routine and they just come, hit your account and go off and you are not aware most of the times. while thinking of non regular income, first thing strikes is, how am i going to manage the EMIs.. the trouble with the EMIs is also that they are configured in such a way that they never seem to be getting over which in a way binds you to the monthly pay packets through out the life.

In the evening i was planning to understand what will happen if i take the plunge. what are the parts of my life that will need to change and what can remain the same. I have heard the concept of variablised expenses and it seems that nothing is variablised in my life so how am i going to make the two ends meet which are fixed costs with something that is completely variabalised. Nowadays i am envious of people who took the plung after 15 yrs of work ex and burden of EMIs. It must have been a tough one for them and it will be great to hear from them how the final moment arrived. more on the entrepreneurial bug once i hear from some who are on the journey and willing to share.

will catch up tommorrow. i have heard from some of my colleagues that blogging is easiest to start but most difficult to continue. i am going to give it my best for some time atleast and hopefully something emerges.

for all those who can help me will be great. bfn and rest for the next one.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

wandering soul


this is my first attempt to blog. one may call this as too late but i will say that better late than never. The fascination for blogging has come to me late but will like to make up for it by sharing lots of stuff...

one of the things that fascinates me while sharing and talking with others is what drives each one of us and reasons for the same. there may have been lots of studies done on to get to the bottom of mind of others, not sure we cna reach to the basics of what ticks one and what does not. The reason for me to do a deep dive on this has been many interview chats i have been doing with young minds. The conventional mind says to me that lowest common denominator for all of us to tick is money and i am sure it is. But once we are secure to an extent for the day to day living, the next drivers start differentiating people. What fascinates me is, how different they are once you start delving in them.

i am not here to do psycho analysis of human beings but is interested purely from the perspective that if we know what ticks different individuals, can we make that effort to give it to them in whatever form we cna so that we cna make them happy to an extent. I am working at the moment on something that is very uncoventional from the what normal corporate jobs give. One really needs passion to do what we are doing and hence i get onto mind journey very often to find the driver for somebody to do what we are doing. And it is not usual hard work and willingness to slog it out. everybody in the "B" scools is taught to say these words and also to say that early period in one's life to struggle and learn, one has to get below this superficial say to find that the yound mind is really interested in what we are doing.

We have created tools to decipher this but i am not sure they can reach the depths that i will be keen to get to. i will keep trying to arrive at a codified way of ascertaining what drives one from the other and then make use of it to make them happy than anything. If anybody can shed more light on this, more than happy to learn.

in the meanwhile, signing off and i feel this is too much for somebody's first blog...