Tuesday, August 14, 2007

some off days

While at office, you get hit with some off days and they are not easy. All of a sudden you start feeling that nothing is working and you need to reinvent yourself. I had one such day today. I was trying my best to concentrate and get over the work but the work never seemed to move and i as well never seemed to concentrate on what i was doing.

Oflate i am struck with entrepreneurial bug. i really feel that i can do it at the same time having been on the monthly salary packet does not help. some of the expenses are routine and they just come, hit your account and go off and you are not aware most of the times. while thinking of non regular income, first thing strikes is, how am i going to manage the EMIs.. the trouble with the EMIs is also that they are configured in such a way that they never seem to be getting over which in a way binds you to the monthly pay packets through out the life.

In the evening i was planning to understand what will happen if i take the plunge. what are the parts of my life that will need to change and what can remain the same. I have heard the concept of variablised expenses and it seems that nothing is variablised in my life so how am i going to make the two ends meet which are fixed costs with something that is completely variabalised. Nowadays i am envious of people who took the plung after 15 yrs of work ex and burden of EMIs. It must have been a tough one for them and it will be great to hear from them how the final moment arrived. more on the entrepreneurial bug once i hear from some who are on the journey and willing to share.

will catch up tommorrow. i have heard from some of my colleagues that blogging is easiest to start but most difficult to continue. i am going to give it my best for some time atleast and hopefully something emerges.

for all those who can help me will be great. bfn and rest for the next one.

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