Monday, December 5, 2011

More the things change

Have you noticed the change in men’s relieving place oflate in five stars? Or is it that I am not frequenting them enough to notice the change earlier.

I was at hotel Trident in Mumbai a week back attending a meeting with very senior guys of the industry. Being there itself was so overwhelming for me, no place for mundane things like relieving oneself. After holding myself for more than 2 hours and increasingly having a fear of bursting of the bladder, I rushed to men’s to get horrified that there are no pots. I was totally distraught but was seeing that a few people are entering and going out and there was this rotten smell interspersed with a perfume. I was not sure where to go to relieve but then rationalized myself that I will watch others and then do it myself.

So there one guy goes, stands infront of a wall and releases himself with a deep sense of relief, must have been in the same situation as yours truly was. I mustered courage and went closer to the wall and found to my surprise a bed of ice cubes laid on the ground with a few places run over. And then, I realized that the hotel has got rid of pots and instead is promoting relieving on the ground with a wall to look at. It reminded me of my village and the school and how we would never worry of others how they feel if we do it.

So… more the things change…

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