Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Education : Why and how much

A former colleague of mine is wanting to get back to school after 9 years of work, while I was applauding him for the willingness to go back to a school after so many years of working, set me thinking, why and how much should one study.

As we grow up, many things we do are driven largely by the surrounding and we as a person have no say in most of it till we get to the age of 15 plus. So, the lower KG, upper KG, primary and secondary happens, partly to keep us occupied so that our parents can do what they want to and partly to understand the world around us. In the process, we get labelled as intelligent, hard working, disciplined depending on how much we listen to our teachers/parents. This is the period to explore, if group activities and reality shows (sports) attract us, if science or literature holds us in terms of curiosity, if we develop some idols which tell us what kind of life we will like to lead. Hence, this is that time of life when we should be trying to match our liking to whats available.

Most of us miss this point of understanding what we like, we end up scoring in all the subjects by over stretching and proving that there is nothing that we do not like :( .This confuses our parents further and they insist that we should continue exploring (learning more) further. We move to the next stage and make a decision only when we are forced to - science, arts or commerce, there is nothing that says that they all converge at some stage as our life is not so compartmentalised, yet we make a straight jacketed decision looking at future possibilities of a job and hence a stable career/girl(boy)friend/spouse/life/children etc etc. But what about your liking?

How should one make a choice about what to be educated about. I clearly think, there are two phases - exploration and sharpening. In the early stage, its about finding our true calling, the things that interest us, the things that will make us work on something. Hence, it can be truly broad based. The next stage is about sharpening what we want to do. The education at this stage should be specific, education that will sharpen the skills to do a particular thing in a better way.

Which of these stages is apt upto what stage is unto each of us. At a stage in my life, i was looking to get back to a campus to do an executive MBA, would that have made a difference? If i look back, good that i did not get into it as i was not sure if it was an exploration stage or a sharpening stage. And learning is not always about getting into a campus, it can be just joining a small shop to understand day to day cash management or one can work in a restaurant to understand how an eatery works...

Did i manage to confuse the ex colleague of mine? sure I did.

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