Saturday, January 5, 2013

Birthday celebrations

" This should be the most memorable day and a birthday for her " persuaded a friend to all others while we were working on the mega party for another friend, transcending from being young to so called middle aged - how can one in a night is not the question expected in such a situation. We did actually put up a reasonable show, not sure if it turned out to be the most memorable birthday for her.

Coming to birthdays, I can never get over the foresightedness of my parents - I don't mean my birth, but about my birthday. Can you believe, I do not know my real birthday. Whenever I ask my mother, she is unable to place it in the flow of time, forget the day, I asked the year and she drew a blank, may be if i widen the timeframe to a decade, she will be able to place it. To make things easy for her, once, I opened the hindu calendar and cued, was it a ramanavami or was it close to Padva, didn't work even then. I turned to my father once and pleaded, I am sure you atleast can recollect, how did you admit me in a school. He started laughing and said thats another story, actually, those days ( it sounds like i am such an antique piece), no one asked for a certificate, so I told a date that will work for the admission, not necessarily the birthdate. Not sure he wanted to keep the information confidential, he just did not remember it. When i pressed it too hard, he started saying, i think, it was a year or two earlier to Pakistan war. I just gave up. One possible way to have a count of the years could have been the no of birthdays i have celebrated, that was not to be as we never celebrated our birthdays, not that there was any negativity around it, just that we did not know such a thing called birthday celebrations.

So why is it being foresighted. I think my parents believed that one may chose to not count the years you are alive. In the overall scheme of the universe, we come and spend so little time living, its not worth its while to count it. And if the birthdays are meant for making some one special for a day, that day can be a day of your choosing.

The story of my school admission - some other day.

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