Friday, March 22, 2013

Peer pressure and entrepreneurship

"How can you leave such a good job that pays for your car, a house and promises phoren postings?" asked a friend of mine when I had almost made up my mind to move on and plunge in the darkness called entrepreneurship. It was a very important question for me to answer. Infact, one of the blogs I wrote in those days was, what will it take for me to continue with the daily life without compromising the basic necessities.

This probably is one of the most important things one needs to consider while thinking of entrepreneurship. How long can you live in a world of your own that does not need external validation. Its the toughest time as you have not proved anything, you are burning cash for the business and hence not in a spending mode, are trying to leverage your personal equations than positional ones.  Many of the highly intelligent people I meet in the corporate world and doing wonderfully well have this urge of doing something on their own. I definitely ask them to consider this question before even thinking of entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is madness at one level. It will take you out of your social circle, sometimes owing to the change in lifestyle or simply your inability to compete on objects of desire. That can lead to low self esteem and inturn an indirect impact on the business.

Hence, for you to succeed, you will need nerves of steel and huge self confidence, an ability to believe in self to the extent of ridicule. If peer acceptance is an important criteria for your existence, I am not sure you will find joy in entrepreneurship.

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