Saturday, September 14, 2013

Jet lag and the sleeping cycles

I am jet lagged, it’s been ages since I have gone through this disorder and it’s taking a heavy toll on me. So while going through the bouts of untimely sleeping, I am coming to this thinking that sleeping more than once within 24 hours for a long stretch can be very helpful to a human body.

Infact, I had read an article a year back that people in old times used to have a break during the sleep and used to resort to eating, sex and entertainment (sex definitely is one form) during that break. SO for example, people would sleep by the dusk and wake up midnight for about 3-4 hours and go back to sleep.

Wont it be nice if we get back into that mode again? Imagine sleeping around 8 in the evening, waking up at 12 in the night, spending 4-5 hours on various things listed above and going back to sleep at 4 and waking up at 8. I am sure it will keep all of us very healthy. Also, the time spent for personal things will be far more than what gets spent now. Other format can be, every 8 hours of working/doing things will lead to 4 hours of sleeping, the timing can be left to one’s discretion. It will really get into flexi living in a real sense.

I think this will boost productivity to a great extent – 8 hours of work and 8 hours of personal time – split between group (family, friends etc) and solo (reading, listening to music) activities.

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