Sunday, September 29, 2013

Of innovation and socialism

 The renowned columnist of New York times, Thomas Friedman, wrote in an article last week how the US is losing its mojo, a country bred on innovation and immigration has come to a standstill owing to disagreements on redistribution of what they have.

And I totally agree with him. That’s the case with most of the countries lost in the game of redistribution than creation. Take the case of our country, before we get to some level of prosperity, there is clamor for inclusive development, or there are more programs meant to redistribute.

While a country is in the stage of creation, or a country thrives on a culture of creation, will never have issues of redistribution as the creation in itself ensures it. There is never this feeling, will we grow more, will we get a share of it. Only when there are doubts of growth, there will be an anxiety of redistribution.

And this applies to organisations as well.

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