Sunday, October 12, 2014

Our uniqueness

One thing that constantly baffles me  is the way we perceive  danger and well being. Most of what we perceive of the world a is a reflection of how we internalize other's experiences. We aspire to be a Steve Jobs or a Bill Gates because we perceive them as models of success and conceptualize their path to be 'the' way.

We are all unique. We are a sum of the DNA and the feedback loop that is operational inside us. We  consistently make choices on the basis of the feedback loop that we receive from the outcome of our experiences. The response to a given situation differs from person to another. It may be an outcome of the life experiences but the interpretation of the those experience and inputs of those to the feedback loop to make new choices is so us, is so much an outcome of the DNA inside us. I am using the word DNA loosely as it is very personal. It is then the inability to be others that makes us perceive danger.

Once we realise this we will graduate our responses to situation to suit our comfort zone, again dictated by our experiences or lack of them.

Stress is an outcome of the gap between the aspirations and capabilities. The aspirations are built based on the expectations of the world around us while sadly,  the capabilities are very our own. There has to be re calibration of the aspirations  constantly so that we remain unstressed. A friend of mine says stress is never an outcome of more work, stress is an outcome of body/mind not aligned to the outcomes. If one works more hours, can get tired but never stressed. For us to be away from stress, the body and mind have to be aligned and aspirations are attuned to the capabilities.

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