Thursday, August 23, 2007


i was listening to the music all the way from the dusty fields to the airport lounges to the final tch down. "Mera kuchh saman tumhare pas pada hai" one of my most favourite poem turned into a song by none other than the genius of pancham da was playing on the ipod and i suddenly felt that why are some so gifted and some are not.

It has been a constant struggle in mind that, is being giften enough or it needs lot more than that to be successful... while moving in the fields and villages oflate, i am realising what all exists in terms of mind power in these villages and never sees the light of the day only due to the fact that there are no great opporunities for them to showcase what all they have. it is also a reality that they never get to hone the basic skill sets they have to take them to next level of converting the skills to better life styles.

at times i relate to the child hood we had... not much to talk about in terms of schooling, a basic school that had teachers and walls but not too much in terms of making the learning a great fun. The teachers were there, barring few, because they had nothing else much to do and had to make the two ends meet. in such a mind set, it was ofcourse very difficult for them take the teaching to higher level and make it a fun for the students. what this does to students is taking them away from the fun of learning. It becomes given for them that the school needs to be attended to because the parents will not let them to be at home. eventually it takes them to away from home but not into the places of learning.

more on this next time...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This bloody song ..i remember getting vastly drunk with S and you and feeding you sambar rice at 3 am!