Friday, December 12, 2014

The survival instinct

New Scientist published an article a few weeks back about improving our ability to absorb new things. The article says, when absorbing new information, there are two systems in operation in our brain, one that is scanning the environment to ensure no threat exists to us in person, the second is absorbing the information. The problem is, these two work against each other while occupying the mind space. If one dominates, the other dies.

As we are exposed to information,  the resistance to try new things keeps our mind focused on the known, safe information for which the environmental threat has been factored in. The new information is lost in transit, ignored and unassimilated Our learning slows down and we stagnate.

On a related note, I was having a conversing with a friend on survival instincts and its impact on the space we give to others and for new thoughts.

Why would our ability to give space to others get impacted by the survival instincts? When we  give  space to others, we let them err;  their mistakes may not be acceptable to us and we resist the threat. To minimize such errors,  we deny space and leave very little room to experiment.

Correlate this to your ability to remain calm in unnerving situations;  my belief is it is to do with your ability to keep survival instincts at bay. Survival Instincts are vital, but need to be used judiciously, only in the face of genuine threat, not perceived ones.  


In one of the blogs I wrote earlier, I have mentioned, what we make of the world around us is the world for us, fundamentally it isn’t good or bad, its how we internalize it.

I think happiness is also such an inside thing.

When we are brought into this world, our genes are structured for two things, survival and multiplication. While we grow from being an infant to a child, the parents and siblings are the biggest influence. They help us survive, they help us by feeding us at the right time, listen to our cries and help us get over them. Our world revolves around them and we think they are the best species in the world. They are our idols. Most of the formatting of us happens at this time, their experiences of the world are fed to us and told what is right and what is not. Our actions in conformance to their expectations are lauded, otherwise are criticized. We keep doing what gets lauded and refrain from the ones that are loaded in favor of criticism. Our happiness is to keep getting lauded from them.

We cross the early teens and start experiencing the world a bit more, our circle grows from just the family to friends. Now, our friends and teachers start to influence how we feel about ourselves. The appreciation in the class becomes a goal and once we get used to it, we keep doing it more and more. In a way we are conforming to the society and feel happiness for being appreciated. The friends become one more source of emotions - happiness, grief, jealousy and what all. Within those, a few drive our happiness, if they tell us we are doing well, we start feeling happy. Sometimes, it starts confronting the happiness we derive from the family, we chose one over the other and make peace.

We start working, we chose the people at the place we work, we want to get appreciation from and if we get it, we feel happy.

And at some stage the girlfriend/boyfriend make us happy or otherwise.

My thinking is, the people we chose to emulate or get appreciation from, make us work in a certain direction and then seek the appreciation and happiness. One may ask, is it such a stage of helplessness? If that person is not going to appreciate what I do, will I all the time feel unhappy? I think there is truth in it.

So, what can one do? Change the people you want to emulate and get inspired from and your metrics of actions you do to make you happy will change.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Our uniqueness

One thing that constantly baffles me  is the way we perceive  danger and well being. Most of what we perceive of the world a is a reflection of how we internalize other's experiences. We aspire to be a Steve Jobs or a Bill Gates because we perceive them as models of success and conceptualize their path to be 'the' way.

We are all unique. We are a sum of the DNA and the feedback loop that is operational inside us. We  consistently make choices on the basis of the feedback loop that we receive from the outcome of our experiences. The response to a given situation differs from person to another. It may be an outcome of the life experiences but the interpretation of the those experience and inputs of those to the feedback loop to make new choices is so us, is so much an outcome of the DNA inside us. I am using the word DNA loosely as it is very personal. It is then the inability to be others that makes us perceive danger.

Once we realise this we will graduate our responses to situation to suit our comfort zone, again dictated by our experiences or lack of them.

Stress is an outcome of the gap between the aspirations and capabilities. The aspirations are built based on the expectations of the world around us while sadly,  the capabilities are very our own. There has to be re calibration of the aspirations  constantly so that we remain unstressed. A friend of mine says stress is never an outcome of more work, stress is an outcome of body/mind not aligned to the outcomes. If one works more hours, can get tired but never stressed. For us to be away from stress, the body and mind have to be aligned and aspirations are attuned to the capabilities.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Student assessments

“What is the biggest failure of your life?”

So asked the interview panelist, the student, a bit baffled, “falling in love”. The panelist had no clue how to move the conversation forward, in normal circumstances it would have been, what has been your learning from the same.

“Why do you think it is a failure?”

“I lost the girl and my GPA”, now the panelist summoned the courage, so what is your learning from this failure… “not to fall in love again”

The second panelist asks the questions to the next student, “Which author you like the most”

“Dan Brown”

“Name the last book you read”

“Fifty shades of grey”

The third panelist to the next student

“Which newspapers you read?”

“Page 3”

“Is there a newspaper like that?”

“Oh… sorry, I mean I read page 3 in all the newspapers”

Having been silent for a while, and feeling familiar with the situation, the first panelist asks the question, “So what is happening in Priyanka Chopra’s life?”

And, the student actually answers that question.

This was the interviewing that happened in a management institute for the intake of first year students. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

anger - is it really about the argument?

I have seen many of my friends, who are generally very good at managing the conversations, lose it once in a while and some are perpetually angry.

What is it that causes the anger in us? I think its the poor performance against the expectations, whose expectations? Our expectations. So while on the road, we expect the next guy to give space/adhere to rules/not honk, if any of these does not happen, leads to a trigger and hence the anger.

So what is causing the anger? Its our view of the world - how can that be managed, by we changing the expectations.  

I think the reason we get angry with someone as we lose the respect for that person, we think the other person needs to have the same expectations and if I am adhering to them, the other person needs to. Different people have different expectations and hence there is mismatch of the performance.

If there is respect, we will ask the other guy what were his/her expectations, if there is mismatch, it will be visible and hence the reason for the anger. Should we hold the natural triggers? No, So what was natural in this? Our expectations that we think are natural, may be we need to reorient them.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Greed and Need

I read in a report in a magazine that Sir Richard Branson has chosen to relocate to an island in carribean he now calls his own. In normal circumstances, it will just be news but seen in the context of the taxes he pays and how Sir RB files his returns, something seems to be not right, atleast for me.

It was mentioned in the same report that he will pay for the taxes in the UK only to the extent of what he earns within the UK. I am seeing too many cases of such behavior, not sure what to call it. For me, its being too smart and not having any gratitude for the things you get in the country where you grow.

In the same manner, cofounder of Facebook relinquished US citizenship to be relocated to Singapore, only for the reason of saving the taxes, and this person moved just before the IPO.

When I go through the tax filing of Apple, I find that there is no correlation between the money the company makes and pays in taxes. I know its called smartness in business parlance to save (dodge?) taxes, I am not sure I feel like that. One can argue with the tax system in the country and push for lower rates of taxes but to dodge them, I am not sure I like that. There is every reason for the average people in that country to feel cheated. The reason Apple is so is because of the smart people in that country and their ability to be creative and thrive. Why is it that the likes of India can not create Apple, its do with the people and the country so if you become big owing to the country and smartness around you, one should learn to give it back as well.

I think it’s the greed that comes in here. The amount of money you have can never be more or less, its ultimately ones ability to do good with it, hence by not paying taxes and amassing more money, people like Sir RB and Apple are letting the eco system down and not letting more Apples and Sir RB bloom.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Of innovation and socialism

 The renowned columnist of New York times, Thomas Friedman, wrote in an article last week how the US is losing its mojo, a country bred on innovation and immigration has come to a standstill owing to disagreements on redistribution of what they have.

And I totally agree with him. That’s the case with most of the countries lost in the game of redistribution than creation. Take the case of our country, before we get to some level of prosperity, there is clamor for inclusive development, or there are more programs meant to redistribute.

While a country is in the stage of creation, or a country thrives on a culture of creation, will never have issues of redistribution as the creation in itself ensures it. There is never this feeling, will we grow more, will we get a share of it. Only when there are doubts of growth, there will be an anxiety of redistribution.

And this applies to organisations as well.